Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pierce won't get out of the tub

I've threatened night time with no books, time outs, and no car when he's 16...

He won't get out.

-- Post From My iPhone

Friday, April 9, 2010

Is it wrong... drink a Heineken while reading the iPhone Developers Guide, all while your children watch Alvin and the Chipmunks in stupifying silence? eat more Rice Krispie treats than both children and wife combined.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Missing kiddos

I type from a hotel room in the Silicon Valley, knowing that back home my wife is tucking Pierce in while he negotiates which "bah" (ball) he's going to sleep. Evelyn is surely half heartedly brushing her teeth while simultaneously watching herself in the mirror do a "booty shake".

Good night kids, Daddy loves you. You too Nics ;)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, March 26, 2010

To park or not to park.

Is there such thing as a Drive-Thru Costco? There should be.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Some toys are cool, once

Sometimes, I think toy designers are purposefully making parents' lives miserable. I mean, in today's world of powerful microprocessors and gobs of flash memory, can't a little truck with four buttons play, say, 50 different possible songs? 10 maybe? Apparently not. More like one. Over and over and over.

Could the designer think maybe, possibly, perhaps a single tune would become slightly annoying after oh, I don't know, the eighteenth time of hearing it? Apparently not.

Take their website for a spin (make sure your volume is up) and you'll see the stupidity has permeated everything they do...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Birthday planning

My boy is two years old today! In two years he has learned to walk, talk, eat solids, dance, hit, spit and generally raise hell. I've learned that being a father takes a lot of patience and caring...with the occassional time out. :)

Happy Birthday, Pierce.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What is Daddly

This is a blog about being a Dad.

I have two kids - a boy and a girl. Pierce (2) and Evelyn (4). They are my joy and inspiration. Becoming a Dad is the greatest and most enriching thing to happen to me.

That said, my boy is poopy head. My daughter whines a lot. Successful teethbrushing is a battle royale...rumble in the jungle...

This blog will be a way for me to share, vent, and explore the world that is fatherhood...and to learn how to get my boy to quick throwing food.

Any ideas?